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Patterns of Conflict Source List

Sources by Author

Adcock, F.E. “The Greek and Macedonian Art of War”, 1957

Alger, John I. “The Quest for Victory”, 1982

Asprey, Robert B. “Guerrilla Warfare” (Encyclopedia Britannica – EB), 1972

Asprey, Robert B. “Tactics”(EB), 1972

Asprey, Robert B. “War in the Shadows” (two volumes), 1975

Atkinson, Alexander “Social Order and the General Theory of Strategy”, 1981

Axelrod, Robert “The Evolution of Cooperation”, 1984

Balck, William “The Development of Tactics”, 1922

Baldwin, Hanson W. “Tiger Jack”, 1979

Barnett, Correlli “Bonaparte”. 1978

Barron, John “KGB: The Secret Work of Soviet Secret Agents”, 1974

Bateson, Gregory “Mind and Nature”, 1979

Bayerlein, Fritz “With the Panzers in Russia 1941 & 43” (Marine Corps Gazette), December 1954

Beaufre, Andre “An Introduction to Strategy”, 1965

Beaufre, Andre “Strategy of Action”, 1967

Becker, Ernest “The Structure of Evil”, 1968

Beesley, Patrick “Very Special Intelligence”, 1977

Beesley, Patrick “Room 40”, 1982

Betts, Richard K. “Surprise Attack”, 1982

Bloom, Allan “The Closing of the American Mind”, 1987

Blumentritt, Gunther “Experience Gained from the History of War on the Subject of Command Technique”, 27 January 1947

Blumentritt, Gunther “Operations in Darkness and Smoke”, 1952

Bretnor, Reginald “Decisive Warfare”, 1969

Briggs, John P. and Peat, F. David “Looking Glass Universe”, 1984

Bronowski, J. “The Identity of Man”, 1971

Bronowski, J. “A Sense of the Future”, 1977

Brown, Anthony Cave “Bodyguard of Lies”, 1975

Brownlow, Donald Grey “Panzer Baron”, 1975

Brzezinski, Zbigniew “Game Plan”, 1986

Callendar, H.L, and Andrews, D.H. “Heat, Entropy and Information” (EB), 1972

Calvocoressi, Peter “Top Secret Ultra”, 1980

Campbell, Jeremy “Grammatical Man”, 1982

Capra, Fritjof “The Tao of Physics”, 1976

Carver, Michael “The Apostles of Mobility”, 1979

Chambers, James “The Devil’s Horsemen”, 1979

Chaliand, Gerard (editor) “Guerrilla Strategies”, 1982

Chandler, David G. “The Campaigns of Napoleon”, 1966

Cincinnatus “Self-Destruction”, 1981

Clausewitz, Carl von “Principles of War” (translated by Hans W. Gatske, 1942), 1812

Clausewitz, Carl von “War, Politics and Power” (translated by Edward M. Collins,, 1962)

Clausewitz, Carl von “On War” (translated by M. Howard and P. Paret, 1976), 1832

Cline, Ray S. “Secrets, Spies and Scholars”, 1976

Clutterbuck, Richard “Guerrillas and Terrorists”, 1977

Cole, K.C. “Sympathetic Vibrations”, 1984

Colin, Jean “The Transformations of War”, 1912

Conway, James “Mr. Secret Weapon” (Washington Post Magazine), 15 May 1982

Cooper, Matthew “The German Army 1933-1945”, 1978

Corbett, Julian S. “Some Principles of Maritime Strategy”, 1911

Cruickshank, Charles “Deception in World War II”, 1979

Daniel, Donald C. and Herbig, Katherine L. “Strategic Military Deception”, 1982

Davies, W.J.K. “German Army Handbook 1932-1945”, 1973

Dawkins, Richard “The Selfish Gene”, 1976

Deichmann, D. Paul “German Air Force Operations in Support of the Army”, 1962

Des Pres, Terrence “The Survivor”, 1976

Despres, John; Dzirkals, Lilita; Whaley, Barton “Timely Lessons from History: The Manchurian Model for Soviet Strategy”

Doughty, Robert A. “The Evolution of U.S. Army Tactical Doctrine, 1946-76” (Leavenworth Papers #1), August 1979

Downing, David “The Devil’s Virtuosos: German Generals at War 1940-45”, 1977

Dupuy, T.N. “The Military Life of Genghis, Khan of Khans”, 1969

Dupuy and Dupuy (R.E. and T.N.) “Encyclopedia of Military History”, 1977

Dupuy, T.N. “A Genius for War”, 1977

Durant, Will and Ariel “The Lessons of History”, 1968

Dyson, Freeman “Disturbing the Universe”, 1979

Dzirkals, Lilita F. “Lightning War in Manchuria: Soviet Military Analysis of the 1945 Far East Campaign”, July 1975

Earle, Edward Mead et al “Makers of Modern Strategy”, 1943

English, John A. “A Perspective on Infantry”, 1981

Fall, Barnard B. “Street Without Joy”, 1964

Fall, Barnard B. “Last Reflections on a War”, 1967 1 Falls, Cyril “The Art of War from the Age of Napoleon to the Present Day”, 1961

Farago, Ladislas “The Game of the Foxes”, 1971

Ferguson, Marilyn “The Aquarian Conspiracy”, 1980

Fitzgerald, Frances “Fire in the Lake”, 1972

Freytag-Loringhoven, Hugo von “The Power of Personality in War”, (translated by Army War College, 1938) , 1911

Fuller, J.F.C. “Grant and Lee”, 1932/1957

Fuller, J.F.C. “The Conduct of War, 1789-1961”, 1961

Gabriel, Richard A. and Savage, Paul L. “Crisis in Command”, 1978

Gabriel, Richard A, and Gal, Reuven “The IDF Officer: Linchpin in Unit Cohesion”, (Army) January 1984

Gardner, Howard “The Mind’s New Science”, 1985

Gardner, John W. “Morale”, 1978

Gardner, Martin “The Computer as Scientist” (Discover), June 1983

Georgescu-Roegen, Nicholas “The Entropy Law and the Economic Process”, 1970

Gleick, James “Exploring the Labyrinth of the Mind” (New York Times Magazine), 21 August 1983

Golenan, Daniel “Vital Lies, Simple Truths”, 1985

Goodenough, Simon and Deighton, Len “Tactical Genius in Battle”, 1979

Gribbin, John “In Search of Schrodinger’s Cat”, 1984

Griffith, Paddy “Forward into Battle”, 1981

Grigg, John “1943 The Victory That Never Was”, 1980

Guderian, Heinz “Panzer Leader”, 1952

Guevara, Che “Guerrilla Warfare”, 1961

Hall, Edward T. “Beyond Culture”, 1976

Handel, Michael I. “The Yom Kippur War and the Inevitability of Surprise” (International Studies Quarterly), September 1977

Handel, Michael I. “Clausewitz in the Age of Technology” (The Journal of Strategic Studies), June/Sept 1986

Heibroner, Robert L. “Marxism: For and Against”, 1980

Herrington,, Stuart A. “Silence Was a Weapon”, 1982

Hoffer, Eric “The True Believer”, 1951

Holmes, W.J. “Double-Edged Secrets”, 1979

Howard, Michael “The Causes of Wars”, 1983

Hoyt, Edwin P. “Guerilla”, 1981

Humble, Richard “Hitler’s Generals”, 1974

Irving, David “The Trail of the Fox”, 1977

Isby, David C. “Modern Infantry Tactics, 1.914-74” (Strategy and Tactics), Sept/Oct 1974

Jomini, “The Art of War” (translated by G.H. Mendell and W.P. Craigbill, 1862), 1836

Jomini, “Summary of the Art of War” (edited by J.D. Hittle, 1947), 1838

Jones, Roger S. “Physics As Metaphor”, 1982

Jones, R.V. “Intelligence and Deception” (Lecture), 29 November 1979

Kahn, David “The Codebreakers”, 1967

Kahn, David “Hitler’s Spies”, 1978

Karnow, Stanley “In Vietnam, the Enemy Was Right Beside Us” (Washington Star), 22 March 1981

Karnow, Stanley “Vietnam: A History”, 1983

Keegan, John “The Face of Battle”, 1977

Kennedy, Marilyn Moats “Powerbase: How to Build It; How to Keep It”, 1984

Kesslering, Albert, et al “Manual for Command and Combat Employment of Smaller Units” (Based on German Experiences in World War II), 1952

Kitson, Frank “Low Intensity Operations”, 1971

Kohn, Hans and Hazard, John N. “Communism” (EB), 1972

Krepinevich, Andrew F. Jr. “The Army and Vietnam”, 1986

Lamb, Harold “Genghis Khan”, 1927

Landauer, Carl “Marxism” (EB), 1972

Lanza, Conrad H. “Napoleon and Modern War, His Military Maxims”, 1943

Laqueur, Walter “Guerrilla”, 1976

Laqueur, Walter (editor) “The Guerrilla Reader”, 1977

Lawrence, T.E. “Seven Pillars of Wisdom”, 1935

Layzer, David “The Arrow of Time” (Scientific American), December 1975

LeBoeuf, Michael “GMP* The Greatest Management Principle in the World”, 1985

Leonard, George “The Silent Pulse”, 1978

Lewin, Ronald “Ultra Goes to War”, 1978

Liddell, Hart, B.H. “A Science of Infantry Tactics Simplified”, 1926

Liddell, Hart, B.H. “The Future of Infantry”, 1933

Liddell, Hart, B.H. “The Ghost of Napoleon”, 1934

Liddell, Hart, B.H. “The German Generals Talk”, 1948

Liddell, Hart, B.H. “Strategy”, 1967

Liddell, Hart, B.H. “History of the Second World War” (two volumes), 1970

Lorenz, Konrad “Behind the Mirror” (translated by Ronald Taylor, 1977), 1973

Lupfer, Timothy T. “The Dynamics of Doctrine: The Changes in German Tactical Doctrine During the First World War”

(Leavenworth Papers #4), July 1981

Macksey, Kenneth “Panzer Division”, 1968

Macksey, Kenneth “Guderian: Creator of the Blitzkrieg”, 1976

Manstein, Erich von “Lost Victories”, 1958

Mao Tse-Tung “On Guerrilla Warfare”, (translated by S.B. Griffith, 1961), 1937

Mao Tse-Tung “Basic Tactics” (translated by Stuart R. Schram,, 1966), 1938

Mao Tse-Tung “Selected Military Writings”, 1963

Mao Tse-Tong “Four Essays on China and World Communism”, 1972

Marchetti, Victor and Marks, John “The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence”, 1974/1980

Marshall, S.L.A. “Men Against Fire”, 1947

Marshall, S.L.A. “The Soldiers Load and The Mobility of a Nation”, 1950

Martin, David C. “Wilderness of Mirrors”, 1980

Masterman, John C. “The Double-Cross System”, 1972

Matloff, Maurice “Strategy” (EB), 1972

May, Rollo “The Courage to Create”, 1975/1976

McWhiney, Grady and Jamieson, Perry D. “Attack and Die”, 1982

Mellenthin, F.W. von “Panzer Battles”, 1956

Mellenthin, F.W. von “German Generals of World War II”, 1977

Mellenthin, F.W. von “Armored Warfare in World War II” (conference), 10 May 1979

Mendel, Arthur P. (editor) “Essential Works of Marxism”, 1961

Messenger, Charles “The Blitzkrieg Story”, 1976

Mikheyev, Dmitry “A Model of Soviet Mentality” (Presentation before International Studies Association), March 1985

Miksche, F.O. “Blitzkrieg”, 1941

Miksche, F.O. “Atomic Weapons & Armies”, 1955

Miller, Russell “The Commandos” (Tine-Life Books), 1981

Montross, Lynn “War Through the Ages”, 1960

Morris, Eric; Johnson, Curt; Chant, Christopher; Wilmott, H.P. “Weapons and Warfare of the 20th Century”, 1976

Musashi, Miyanbto “The Book of Five Rings” (translated by Victor Harris, 1974), 1645

Musashi, Miyamoto “The Book of Five Rings” (translated by Nihon Services, 1982), 1645

Oman, C.W.C. “The Art of War in the Middle Ages” (edited and revised by John H. Feeler, 1953), 1885

Ortega y Gasset, Jose, “The Revolt of the Masses” (anonymous translation, 1932), 1930

Ouchi, William “Theory Z”, 1981

Pagels, Heinz R. “The Cosmic Code”, 1982

Palmer, Bruce Jr. “The 25 Year War”, 1984

Pascale, Richard T. and Athos, Anthony G. “The Art of Japanese Management”, 1981

Patrick, Stephen B. “Combined Arms Combat Operations in the 20th Century” (Strategy and Tactics), Sept/Oct 1974

Pauker, Cry J. “Insurgency” (EB), 1972

Peters, Thomas J. and Waterman,, Robert H., Jr. “In Search of Excellence”, 1982

Phillips, T.R. (editor) “Roots of Strategy”, 1940/1985

Pike, Douglas “PAVN: Peoples Army of Vietnam”, 1986

Pincher, Chapman “Their Trade is Treachery”, 1982

Polanyi, Michael “Knowing and Being”, 1969

Pomeroy, William J. (editor) “Guerrilla Warfare and Marxism”, 1968

Powers, Thomas “The Man Who Kept the Secrets”, 1979

Prigogine, Ilya and Stengers, Isabelle “Order Out of Chaos”, 1984

Pustay, John S. “Counterinsurgency Warfare”, 1965

Reid, T.R. “Birth of a New Idea” (Washington Post Outlook), 25 July 1982

Rejai, M. “Mao Tse-Tung On Revolution and War”, 1976

Restak, Richard M. “The Brain: The Last Frontier”, 1980

Rifkin, Jeremy (with Ted Howard) “Entropy – A New World View”, 1980

Rominel, Erwin “Infantry Attacks” (translated by G.E. Kidde, 1944), 1937

Rosen, Ismond “Genesis”, 1974

Rothenberg, Gunther E. “The Art of Warfare in the Age of Napoleon”, 1978

Rucker, Rudy “Infinity and the Mind”, 1982

Rushbrooke, George Stanley “Statistical Mechanics” (EB), 1972

Russell, Francis “The Secret War” (Time Life Books), 1981

Satter, David “Soviet Threat is One of Ideas More Than Arms” (Wall Street Journal), 23 May 1983

Savkin, V. YE. “The Basic Principles of Operational Art and Tactics” (A Soviet View), 1972

Sella, Amnon “Barbarossa: Surprise Attack and Communication” (Journal of Contemporary History), 1978

Senger und Etterlin, Frido von “Neither Fear Nor Hope”, 1963

Shannon, Claude E. “Information Theory” (EB), 1972

Sidey, Hugh “Playing an Assassin Like a Fish” (Washington Star), 14 June 1981

Sidorenko, A.A. “The Offensive” (A Soviet View), 1970

Singh, Baljitt & Mei, Ko-Wang “Modern Guerrilla Warfare”, 1971

Sprey, P.M. “Taped Conversation with General Hermann Balck” (for Battelle), 12 January and 13 April 1979

Sprey, P.M. “Taped Conversation with Lt. General Heinz Gaedcke”, (for Battelle), 12 April 1979

Stevenson, William “A Man Called Intrepid”, 1976

Strausz-Hupe, Robert; Kintner, William R.; Dougherty, James E.; Cottrell, Alvin J. “Protracted Conflict”, 1959/1963

Summers, Harry G. Jr. “On Strategy: The Vietnam War in Context”, 1981

Sun Tzu “The Art of War” (translated by S.B. Griffith, 1971), about 400 B.C.

Sun Tzu “The Art of War” (Edited by James Clavell, 1983), about 500 B.C.

Taber, Robert “The War of the Flea”, 1965

Tang Zi-Chang “Principles of Conflict” (Recompilation of Sun Zi’s Art of War), 1969

Thayer, Charles W. “Guerrilla”, 1961

Thompson, R.W. “D-Day”, 1968

Thompson, William Irwin “Darkness and Scattered Light”, 1978

Toffler, Alvin “Future Shock”, 1970

Van Creveld, Martin “Supplying War”, 1977

Van Creveld, Martin “Fighting Power: German Military Performance, 1914-1945”, December 180

Van Creveld, Martin “Command”, 1982

Vigor, P.H. “Soviet Blitzkrieg Theory” (A British View), 1983

Vo Nguyen Giap “Peoples War Peoples Array”, 1962

Vo Nguyen Giap “How We Won the War”, 1976

Wallace, Mike “Inside Yesterday: Target USA” (for CBS News), 21 August 1979

Watts, Alan “Tao: The Watercourse Way”, 1975

Wernick, Robert “Blitzkrieg” (Time-Life Books), 1976

Whiting, Charles “Patton”, 1970

Wilson, Edward O. “On Human Nature”, 1978>

Winterbotham, F.W. “The Ultra Secret”, 1975

Wintringham, Tom “The Story of Weapons and Tactics”, 1943

Wolf, Eric R. “Peasant Wars of the Twentieth Century”, 1969

Wolf, Fred Alan “Taking the Quantum Leap”, 1981

Wylie, J.C. “Military Strategy”, 1967

Wynne, G.C. “If Germany Attacks”, 1940

Zukav, Gary “The Dancing Wu Li Masters”, 1979

Sources by Institution

BDM “Generals Balck and Von Mellinthin on Tactics: Implications for Military Doctrine”, 19 December 1980

German Army Regulation 100/100 “Command and Control in Battle”, September 1973

German Army Regulation 100/200 “Army Command and Control System”, August 1972

National Defense University “The Art and Practice of Military Strategy”, 1984

ORD/CIA, “Deception Maxims: Fact and Folklore”, April 1980

U.S. Army FM 100-5 “Operations”, July 1976

U.S. Army FM 100-5 “Operations”, 20 August 1982

U.S. Army FM 100-5 “Operations”, 5 May 1986

U.S. Army Pamphlet 20-233 “German Defense Tactics Against Russian Breakthroughs”, October 1951

U.S. Army Pamphlet 20-269 “Small Unit Actions During the German Campaign in Russia”, July 1953

Westinghouse “I Am the Punishment of God” (Westinghouse Integrated Logistic Support #5)>

West Point Department of Military Art and Engineering, “Jomini, Clausewitz and Schlieffen”, 1954>

West Point Department of Military Art and Engineering, “Summaries of Selected Military Campaigns”, 1956
